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Parents Fear for 50 Cent during his Public School Performance!!

According to the New York Post, 50 Cent [click to read] is currently planning a free show in the school close to the Queens projects where he grew up. The decision to perform on the grounds of PS 40 on "Family Day" has sparked controversy within fearful parents and has prompted local officials to scramble for additional security. One official worried, "We can't control the area...people could walk in from anywhere."

Others worried that the concert could possibly get violent, due to their beliefs that 50 may have enemies in the community. "Someone's going to try to make a name for themselves," one potential concert-goer explained. "They're going to take a shot at him, and they're either going to hit him or they're going to miss him and hit some poor, innocent kid or grandmother."

The August 30th concert, which was supposed to be a surprise, may attract up to 10,000 people, forcing authorities to shut down a 20-block area around the South Jamaica Houses. But even with the added security, there are many parents who are worried that their children may not be safe at the event.

"When I heard that [50 Cent would be appearing], I wanted to avoid it, so I planned a trip to get away from here that day," said parent Debbie Lucas who will not allow her two young children to attend the event. "I'm not going to go. No way."

Although parents are certainly alarmed, some teens have also opted to stay away from the event out of their own volition. "There's word out there that there's going to be some shootings," said 15-year-old Mike Terrients. "Some of my friends' parents are saying that they don't want them to go because something is going to happen."

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