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Caught On Tape: Bus Driver Goes Ham On A Passenger For Throwing Rocks At The Bus!

"An Albuqurque city bus driver was arrested Saturday and accused of choking a would-be passenger who had flung a small rock at the bus, police said. Kindon Curtis, 38, faces one count of felony battery after the afternoon incident at Central and Eubank, Albuquerque police said. Police said a man in his 50s was waiting to board the city bus but somehow missed it. The man ran toward the bus, trying to get the driver’s attention, but Curtis did not stop. The man hit the bus with his bag and then picked up the pebble and threw it at the bus, police said. Curtis stopped the bus, got out and started to choke the man, police said. He had the man in a chokehold and was about to slam the victim’s head against the bus when the victim convinced Curtis to let him go, police said. Curtis got back in the bus and drove away, but police pulled him over at Central and Monroe. Police said witnesses corroborated the victim’s story. They are also reviewing video footage of the incident." - Credit To: SunnySide Media Group

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